Tuesday, July 15, 2014


"Liar, liar. Pants on fire." Yup, that's me. I know yesterday I gave a whole big speech on how much I loved my overall blog and wasn't going to alter a little hair on its tiny little electronic body...but ya that didn't really work out. Haha. I spent all this morning rearranging and redecorating, and adding different aspects to this blog. So what do you think? Personally, I love it! But that's coming from my bias self. Basically I face-lifted it for the better! Do you guys like the new theme? Colors? Gadgets? Anything you would change? Anything you would add? If you have any sort of feedback, leave me a comment! :)

Anyways, I spent last night up until about 2am thinking about everything BUT sleep. Everyone does this right? Please tell me I'm not the only one who spends the darkest hours googling Robert Downy Jr. birthplace and the weight of the sun?? I then quickly move onto my brain and my deepest thoughts involving what makes me happy, what have I done wrong, and what can I do to improve my future. Yup basically all of that was me last night. And let's just say I accomplished nothing. The only thing I can be absolutely sure of is my plans for the next four years. No, I'm not talking about college--although I wish I was. I'm referring to my internet persona I want to perfect and grow. Starting with this blog, my Tumblr (Lovely Lovely), and going all the way to my YouTube channel (HannahChurch). It's a big task, but I'm confident. Right now it's the only thing I'm sure of. And I'm not really sure if any of this is making sense outside of my brain, but it's where I'm at and I just wanted to put it out there.

Originally, I was set on fashion, fashion, fashion. But I'm beginning to alter the tune of my horn. The past 7 months I've spent apart from this blog and channel were some of the hardest I've ever had to endure. I lost sight of what I loved, what inspired me, and just overall what made me happy. I no longer idolize fashion and spend hours stressing over what I put on my body. Not sure if that's something to my benefit or not, but I do know I'm starting to see the bigger picture. Instead of pin-pointing all my focus on one idea, why not combine everything I love and make it what I want? Who says I have to follow the normal, cookie-cutter blog and channel mold? I'm not entirely dead-set on what I have in store for this page yet, but I can give you an idea of what to expect.
  • Blogs like this(my personal thoughts)
  • Crafts/ DIY projects I've tried and loved
  • #OOTD
  • Food reviews
  • Baking recipes and tutorials
  • Shopping hauls
  • My vacations/ big events
  • Things I'm obsessing over
  • Anything makeup
So there you have it! If you stuck around to the end, CONGRATS! My jumbled thoughts finally make sense! I do hope some of you out there got excited or interested by one or more of those on my little list. I'm certainly thrilled for what I have in store for you guys! Leave me a comment of what you're looking forward to on this blog or even if something wasn't on the list, tell me! I'm always open to ideas and would love some more inspiration. :)

Anyways, talk to you all later and thanks for reading my word therapy. Haha. My therapy, not yours. :) 

Have a lovely day!

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