Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Summer Trend: Mini-Bags

TREND ALERT! Summer is almost over, but it seems the cool trends are just starting! Hence, the mini-bag! For those of you wondering where it all started from, where have you been?? Right now all the buzz is on Louis Vuitton’s Petite Malle mini-bag ($4500-$5000). While not yet out in stores, I cannot go on a fashion site without seeing at least one mention of this glorious bag! Now I don't know about you, but my debit card can't exactly handle a $4500 charge for a bag... But that doesn't mean there aren't cheaper options out there! And once you find that budget-friendly mini-bag that was made for you, you're gonna need to style it just right!

Personally, my favorite pairing for any mini-bag is a maxi or knee-length skirt!

I absolutely love the balance of a flowing, full skirt and a petite bag. The contrast is really great because since the bags are so small, they go with almost any color or patterned skirt because of the size! And you can see for yourself in the photos that the possibilities truly are endless for a full-length skirt and mini-bags.

Also, another great pairing is the classic jean look.

It doesn't get more simple than that! Jeans, top, accessories, and a mini-bag! It's really all up to you, but my advice would be choose one accent color from your mini-bag and try to center your whole look around it. Just like in the above photo where the woman planned her entire outfit around the lavender/ pale blue on the flap of her mini-bag. See? Simple yet so chic and stylish!

I will definitely be on a search for the perfect mini-bag for myself very soon!

Let me know if you guys like these trend alert type of posts in the comments below and if you do I'll try to keep it up! :)


Monday, July 21, 2014

Music Monday♫

Well hey there lovely! Welcome to a new segment I'm starting called Music Monday! I've yet to decide if it's something I'll do every Monday, or sporadically throughout the month. But one thing you can be absolutely certain of is this will only occur on Monday's! Yay for Hannah being somewhat punctual and organized! :)

Soooo how this is going to work is I'm going to select 5 songs that I'm vibing off of that week, month, or day and give you direct links to go check 'em out for yourself! Easy enough? Great! Then in the comments below, I would love for you to recommend songs to me and let me know what you think of my picks! And who knows, I might just feature you in my next Music Monday... ;)

Alrighty, here we goooooooooo! :D

1. Mulholland Drive by The Never Ending (go to song)

It is just such a great song with an original sound. The lead singer has such a soft, sweet voice that you almost have to listen to the song twice to decide if you like it or not. But needless to say I decided I LOVED it--hence why it is #1. If you are in a mellow mood or trying to be calm, this is a great song to relax to!

2. Princess of China - Acoustic by Coldplay (go to song)

Rhianna + Coldplay = perfection. Enough said. Haha but no really this song is absolutely stunning and it's been out for quite awhile so I'm sure most of you have heard it, but I don't care! I'm a little late to get on the Coldplay bandwagon, but OMG am I glad I am now! This song is amazing! I was playing it this morning while I was ate breakfast today, and my mom was like, "What is that? Are you listening to chanting? That sounds tribal, Hannah." I just smiled and nodded. :)

3. Call It Whatever by Bella Thorne (go to song)

Don't laugh okay? This song is freaking adorable! While it is very debatable as to what is Bella's real voice and what is auto-tuned in this song, it is still a catchy song! Definitely up there on my my top 5 jam's of the summer! It's a light, cute, fun, and overall a very upbeat song. I cannot listen to it without bouncing up and down or dancing around my bedroom! It makes me so happy! :)

4. Good Girls by 5 Seconds of Summer (go to song)

THIS SONG MAN, THIS SONG IS LIFE. Haha literally this song was written about me! I can relate almost 100% to this tune and it's an added bonus that it's by one of my favorite bands that I've ever seen live. This is honestly a let's get happy and dance song because that's exactly what happens! Not to mention the lyrics are so easy to learn, you'll know them after listening 3 times!

5. Life of the Party by Shawn Mendes (go to song)

Tears. Feels. Tears. Feels. Tears and more tears. You just read the series of events that occur when I listen to this song. I have yet to get through this song without shedding less than one tear yet... Being a fan of Shawn since I discovered him last year in the summer of 2013, you could say I was a little more than excited when he finally dropped this as his first single. And not to mention how incredibly proud I was of him for staying at #1 on iTunes for almost 24 hours! Needless to say I love this song and you should too. End of story.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my list and maybe found one or two new songs to blast in your car this summer. I had a lot of fun with this blog post so if all goes well, I might keep it up! Don't forget to comment below!

I hope you are having a great Monday so far, and I'll talk to you in my next post! :)

Have a lovely week!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source to all things fashion, beauty, and life. It has come to my attention that H has finished the last episode of GG on Netflix today. Who's to say the letdown of the show only lasts a day? Watch out little H, you're going to need more than a new show to pull you out this time. Xoxo, Gossip Girl.

Haha! I'm sorry I couldn't resist! But yes, it's true. I watched the final episode of the glorious Gossip Girl today and let me just say, THE FEELS. :''''(

I cannot get over this! I am trying to hold my tongue and not give out any spoilers as I assume there are more than a few of you out there like myself who are behind the fad, still watching Gossip Girl on Netflix. All I have to say is I did not see the real identity of GG coming, but at the same time I knew the whole time! Ugh, that show man. FEELS.

One thing that will never change though, no matter how far into the show you are is the feelings between Chuck and Blair. They are the star-crossed lovers from the upper east side and it couldn't be more perfect! Can we just take a moment please...

I am in such an emotional and unstable place right now I'm not even sure where this blog post is going. Haha. I just wanted to share my love of GG with you! And if you haven't see Gossip Girl yet, what are you waiting for?! Seriously if you love fashion, glamour, and drama then this is the show for you! All 6 seasons are on Netflix right now, so get to it! You won't regret it I promise! :)

Then once you finish the show like me, we can fangirl together! Comment below who your favorite character is from GG, or just what you love about it in general.

Have a lovely day!

P.S. Help me figure out what I should watch next! Recommend some shows or movies you think I would like in the comments below!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July Ipsy Bag

(First off I apologize in advance for the HORRID photo quality! I lost my camera card for my digital camera and had to use my iPhone camera. *hangs head in shame*)

Yesterday that glorious pink package in the mail that so many await monthly. For the July Ipsy Glam Bag this month, it was titled "Sensationally Sunkissed"...cute right? As usual, I tore off that protective pink padding as fast as my fingers could manage and found a chic hot pink leather pouch full of goodies.

Adorable pouch and even more awesome goodies am I right?! Anyways, for anyone who is wondering what the heck is this Ipsy that this girl keeps blabbing on and on about? It is a lovely beauty monthly subscription (Ipsy) that costs $10/month and they send you typically 5 travel to full size beauty items for you to try out. Usually, its makeup, fragrances, and hair products, but occasionally something else. And you get a cute different makeup bag every month so that's a whole other bonus! Definitely worth the $10 every month if you're a makeup addict such as myself. This is my 4th bag, and I have yet to be disappointed! I would highly recommend you check it out (Ipsy)!

Alrighty time to dive in and show you the goodies and give you my opinions!

1. Brand/ shade: Pop Beauty Sunkissed Bronzer in the shade Secret Sunshine
    Size: full size
    Opinion: 9/10 AWESOME

2. Brand/ shade: Pixi Tinted Brilliance Balm in the shade Pretty Pink
    Size: mini size
    Opinion: 7/10 GREAT

3. Brand/ shade: Hang Ten Dark Tanning Oil in the shade SPF 08
    Size: travel size (1 fl. oz.)
    Opinion: 3/10 USELESS TO ME

4. Brand/ shade: Bare Minerals 5 in 1 BB Advanced Performance Cream Eyeshadow in the shade SPF 15
    Size: sample size
    Opinion: 8/10 LOVE IT

5. Brand/ shade: Healthy Sexy Hair in the type Soy Renewal Beach Spray with Argan Oil
    Size: travel size (1.7 fl. oz.)
    Opinion: 9/10 AWESOME

Soooo what do you think? Do we like or love July's bag? I'm gonna go with I LOVE IT!! I would say I REALLY love it, expect for the fact I didn't get Benefit's They're Real mascara in my bag like so many of my fellow Ipsters did...so ya there's that. But overall I loved it! Check it out tonight if you are subscribed (Ipsy) yet! Let me know what you think about the products in the comments below! :)

Have a lovely day!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


"Liar, liar. Pants on fire." Yup, that's me. I know yesterday I gave a whole big speech on how much I loved my overall blog and wasn't going to alter a little hair on its tiny little electronic body...but ya that didn't really work out. Haha. I spent all this morning rearranging and redecorating, and adding different aspects to this blog. So what do you think? Personally, I love it! But that's coming from my bias self. Basically I face-lifted it for the better! Do you guys like the new theme? Colors? Gadgets? Anything you would change? Anything you would add? If you have any sort of feedback, leave me a comment! :)

Anyways, I spent last night up until about 2am thinking about everything BUT sleep. Everyone does this right? Please tell me I'm not the only one who spends the darkest hours googling Robert Downy Jr. birthplace and the weight of the sun?? I then quickly move onto my brain and my deepest thoughts involving what makes me happy, what have I done wrong, and what can I do to improve my future. Yup basically all of that was me last night. And let's just say I accomplished nothing. The only thing I can be absolutely sure of is my plans for the next four years. No, I'm not talking about college--although I wish I was. I'm referring to my internet persona I want to perfect and grow. Starting with this blog, my Tumblr (Lovely Lovely), and going all the way to my YouTube channel (HannahChurch). It's a big task, but I'm confident. Right now it's the only thing I'm sure of. And I'm not really sure if any of this is making sense outside of my brain, but it's where I'm at and I just wanted to put it out there.

Originally, I was set on fashion, fashion, fashion. But I'm beginning to alter the tune of my horn. The past 7 months I've spent apart from this blog and channel were some of the hardest I've ever had to endure. I lost sight of what I loved, what inspired me, and just overall what made me happy. I no longer idolize fashion and spend hours stressing over what I put on my body. Not sure if that's something to my benefit or not, but I do know I'm starting to see the bigger picture. Instead of pin-pointing all my focus on one idea, why not combine everything I love and make it what I want? Who says I have to follow the normal, cookie-cutter blog and channel mold? I'm not entirely dead-set on what I have in store for this page yet, but I can give you an idea of what to expect.
  • Blogs like this(my personal thoughts)
  • Crafts/ DIY projects I've tried and loved
  • #OOTD
  • Food reviews
  • Baking recipes and tutorials
  • Shopping hauls
  • My vacations/ big events
  • Things I'm obsessing over
  • Anything makeup
So there you have it! If you stuck around to the end, CONGRATS! My jumbled thoughts finally make sense! I do hope some of you out there got excited or interested by one or more of those on my little list. I'm certainly thrilled for what I have in store for you guys! Leave me a comment of what you're looking forward to on this blog or even if something wasn't on the list, tell me! I'm always open to ideas and would love some more inspiration. :)

Anyways, talk to you all later and thanks for reading my word therapy. Haha. My therapy, not yours. :) 

Have a lovely day!

Monday, July 14, 2014

I'm Back!

Okay, okay. I suck as a blogger, I know. Basically for the past 7 months it's as if I've dropped off the face of the earth and I apologize. Literally, I have zero excuse. The only sort of reasoning I can cling to is "life". My life has and remains crazy since this past December due to the extensive changes going on all around me.Now let's see... when I last blogged I was solely a fashion blog, but I would like to alter that. It might be easier just to scrap the whole thing and become an entirely new blog with a new mantra in mind, but I like what I have started here. I like my theme, I like my name, and I like my colors. Can it be that simple?

I'm not sure what I want to accomplish with the rebirth of my blog, but all I know is for once in my life I want to finish what I've started. Especially with so many huge milestones approaching in the next 10 months! Now I'm not going to go into detail of the past 7 months and what I define them as "crazy" months, but let's just sum it up as I moved to Florida, dual enrolled at the local college, graduated high school, was accepted to FGCU, and moved to California for the summer. So yes, you could call that a little cray-cray. Oh and my brother married the lovely Allyson on May 3rd, 2014.

They make the cutest couple don't they?! I honestly am so happy for them and still can't believe that I have a sister-in-law! I can't wait to be flying back to Florida in a month so we will at least be in the same state, meaning we will hopefully be seeing each other more often! Actually I might be at their house for Thanksgiving because I won't be flying to my mom and dad's since I'm flying back for Christmas just a week and a half later.

Anyways, that's just the surface of what's new with me, but maybe I'll share some more tomorrow...or maybe not. Just depends how much of my life I wish to keep private. We'll see if I'm feeling saucy... ;)

It's 20 till midnight here on the Californian Coast, and I should probably start heading towards the idea of sleep. I'm trying to keep a solid sleep pattern so I can better adjust to college life when it starts. Ya sounds great on paper, but in real life that is a tough task to accomplish being that I am a creature of the night. So for now, I must leave you all in suspense of my next move and bid you adieu.

Have a lovely day!